قائمة أعمال جيه جي بالارد J. G. Ballard


  • The Wind from Nowhere (1962)
  • The Drowned World (1962)
  • The Drought (1964)
  • The Crystal World (1966)
  • Crash (1973)
  • Concrete Island (1974)
  • High-Rise (1975)
  • The Unlimited Dream Company (1979)
  • Hello America (1981)
  • The Day of Creation (1987)
  • Rushing to Paradise (1994)
  • Cocaine Nights (1996)
  • Super-Cannes (2000)
  • Millennium People (2003)
  • Kingdom Come (2006)

مجموعات قصصية

  • Billenium (1962)
  • The Voices of Time and Other Stories (1962)
  • The Four-Dimensional Nightmare (1963)
  • Passport to Eternity (1963)
  • The Terminal Beach (1964)
  • Terminal Beach (1964)
  • The Impossible Man and Other Stories (1966)
  • The Disaster Area (1967)
  • The Day of Forever (1967)
  • The Overloaded Man (1967)
  • The Atrocity Exhibition (1970)
  • Chronopolis and Other Stories (1971)
  • Low-Flying Aircraft and Other Stories (1976)
  • The Best of J. G. Ballard (1977)
  • The Best Short Stories of J. G. Ballard (1978)
  • The Venus Hunters (1980)
  • Myths of the Near Future (1982)
  • Memories of the Space Age (1988)
  • War Fever (1990)
  • The Complete Short Stories (2001)
  • Terminal Atrocity Zone: Ballard (2013)
  • Vermilion Sands (1971)
  • 00000000000000000000


    The Wind from Nowhere (1962)

    • - ما بعد المحرقة -


    The Drowned World (1962)

    • - ما بعد المحرقة - ديستوبيا - فانتازيا -


    The Drought (1964)

    • - ما بعد المحرقة - - ما بعد المحرقة - ديستوبيا -


    The Crystal World (1966)

    • فانتازيا - - ما بعد المحرقة - - ما بعد المحرقة - ديستوبيا -


    Crash (1973)


    Concrete Island (1974)

    • ديستوبيا -


    High-Rise (1975)

    • ديستوبيا -


    • فانتازيا - خيال علمي فانتازي -


    Hello America (1981)

    • - ما بعد المحرقة - ديستوبيا - - ما بعد المحرقة -


    The Day of Creation (1987)

    • فانتازيا - خيال علمي فانتازي -


    Rushing to Paradise (1994)

    • ديستوبيا -


    Cocaine Nights (1996)

    • ديستوبيا -


    Super-Cannes (2000)

    • ديستوبيا -


    Millennium People (2003)

    • ديستوبيا -


    Kingdom Come (2006)

    • ديستوبيا -


    مجموعات قصصية

    Billenium (1962)


    The Voices of Time and Other Stories (1962)


    The Four-Dimensional Nightmare (1963)


    Passport to Eternity (1963)


    The Terminal Beach (1964)


    The Impossible Man and Other Stories (1966)


    The Disaster Area (1967)


    The Day of Forever (1967)


    The Overloaded Man (1967)


    The Atrocity Exhibition (1970)


    Chronopolis and Other Stories (1971)


    Low-Flying Aircraft and Other Stories (1976)

  • The Best Short Stories of J. G. Ballard (1978)

  • -----------------------------------

    The Venus Hunters (1980)


    Myths of the Near Future (1982)


    Memories of the Space Age (1988)


    War Fever (1990)


    The Complete Short Stories (2001)


    Terminal Atrocity Zone: Ballard (2013)


    Vermilion Sands (1971)


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