قائمة أعمال إليزابيث آن سكاربورو Elizabeth Ann Scarborough

سلسلة Acorna (sharing writing)

  • Acorna's People (1999)
  • Acorna's World (2000)
  • Acorna's Search (2001)
  • Acorna's Rebels (2003)
  • Acorna's Triumph (2004)

سلسلة First Warning series

  • First Warning (2005)
  • Second Wave (2006)
  • Third Watch (2007)

سلسلة Cleopatra

  • 1 Channeling Cleopatra (2002)
  • 2 Cleopatra 7.2 (2004)

سلسلة Godmother

  • 1 The Godmother (1994)
  • 2 The Godmother's Apprentice (1995)
  • x 3 The Godmother's Web (1998)

سلسلة Nothing Sacred

  • 1 Nothing Sacred (1991)
  • 2 Last Refuge (1992)

سلسلة Petaybee

  • Powers That Be (1993)
  • Power Lines (1994)
  • Power Play (1995)
  • Changelings
  • Maelstrom (2006)
  • Deluge (2008)

سلسلة Songs from the Seashell Archives

  • 1 Song of Sorcery (1982)
  • 2 The Unicorn Creed (1983)
  • 3 Bronwyn's Bane (1983)
  • 4 The Christening Quest (1985)
  • 5 The Dragon, the Witch, and the Railroad
  • 6 The Redundant Dragons (2018)

سلسلة Tales of the Barque Cats

  • 1 Catalyst (2009)
  • 2 Catacombs (2010)

سلسلة The Songkiller Saga

  • 1 Phantom Banjo (1991)
  • 2 Picking the Ballad's Bones (1991)
  • 3 Strum Again? (1992)

سلسلة V. Lovelace's Guide to the Wild West

  • x 1 The Drastic Dragon of Draco, Texas (1986)
  • 2 The Goldcamp Vampire (1987)

سلسلة Novels

  • The Harem of Aman Akbar (1984)
  • The Healer's War (1988)
  • Carol for Another Christmas (1996)
  • x The Lady in the Loch (1998)
  • x The Tour Bus of Doom (2012)

سلسلة Collections

  • Scarborough Fair and Other Stories (2003)
  • 9 Tales O' Cats (2011)
  • Shifty: Nine Tales of Shape-Shifting and Transformation (2013)
  • Mummies of the Motorway & Scarborough Fair: Short Stories (2014)
  • Space Opera (1996)
  • Warrior Princesses (1998)
  • Past Lives, Present Tense (1999)
  • Vampire Slayers: Stories of Those Who Dare to Take Back the Night (1999)


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